Python 3.4.10 for Windows

This is an unofficial Python 3.4.10 installation package for Windows.

Python 3.4.10 is officially the last version of Python 3.x for Windows XP. It is officially only available as source code; the last official precompiled version is 3.4.4. The last version of Python 2.x (2.7.18) also works on Windows XP and is newer.

Please read the included Readme.txt file before installing.

Download (updated on January 31, 2020 to include the last versions of pip, setuptools, and wheel for Python 3.4.x)

If this package is useful to you, please consider making a small donation.

You may be able to run Python 3.5 or later with XomPie or One-Core-API, but I have not tried either yet. There may also exist other unofficial adaptations of Python for Windows XP.

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